Saturday, September 1, 2012

My Kindergarten Adventure

I made 25 new friends this week as I started Kindergarten. I was feeling a little shy on the first day of school when a group of young humans stormed the classroom. I mean, who wouldn't be intimidated by that many kids? I may be a great adventurer, but I still get a little nervous when starting a new school year. What if the kids didn't like me? What if they thought I was different because of my green skin? What if they didn't want to play with me or they played too rough? (They are giants compared to me, you know) Thankfully, those worries disappeared quicker than a fly snow cone melts on a hot summer day. After finding a square on our rainbow carpet, we all scooted into a big circle and introduced ourselves. I had the best job of all because I got to hop around the circle as all the Kindergarteners got a turn to hold me and say their name and their favorite food (for some reason they found it funny that my favorite food is my mom's fly stew. Obviously they haven't tried it). As the day went on, we played games and sang songs. It was so fun! The next day was even better because the kids created an art project where they made a school of frogs like me! Being surrounded by that many frogs really made me feel like I was back in Lily Pad Hollow. Kindergarten is awesome! I can't wait to see what surprises will await me next week. See you on the next adventure!

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